The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Thursday released its first list of candidates for the 2025 Delhi Assembly elections, naming 11 contenders. Notably, six of them are former leaders from the BJP and Congress.
- AAP releases first list of 11 candidates for the 2025 Delhi Assembly elections.
- Six candidates are recent entrants from Congress and BJP.
- Delhi Assembly polls are anticipated in early 2025.
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Thursday unveiled its first list of 11 candidates for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, expected to take place early next year. Among the selected candidates are six leaders who recently switched to AAP from the BJP and Congress.
Former BJP leaders Brahm Singh Tanwar, Anil Jha, and BB Tyagi, along with ex-Congress leaders Chaudhry Zubair Ahmad, Veer Dhingan, and Sumesh Shokeen, have been fielded to contest under the AAP banner.
The retained loyalists include Sarita Singh, a former MLA from Rohtas Nagar; Ram Singh Netaji, an ex-MLA from Badarpur; and Deepak Singhla, the 2020 Vishwas Nagar candidate and AAP’s in-charge for Maharashtra and Goa.
In October, AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal unveiled a strategy to strengthen voter engagement at the grassroots level, introducing the “AAP Mandal Model.” Under this system, a “Mandal Prabhari” is appointed to manage five booths, with each mandal (ward) unit overseeing five booths staffed by a team of 11 workers.
Kejriwal emphasized the importance of the Mandal Prabharis’ role, stating they must actively connect with voters and cannot treat the position as a “part-time job.”