Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday took a swipe at the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) over corruption allegations, stating that while he could have built a “Sheesh Mahal” for himself, he chose to prioritize housing for the poor instead. Speaking at an event in Delhi’s Ashok Vihar, Modi underscored the importance of providing permanent homes for all citizens and announced the allocation of 3,000 additional flats for economically weaker sections (EWS) in the city. The term “Sheesh Mahal” has been used in Delhi’s political circles to refer to alleged irregularities in the renovation of the official residence of AAP leader and former Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.
PM Modi handed over the keys to 1,675 newly constructed flats in Ashok Vihar, built under an in-situ slum rehabilitation project by the Delhi Development Authority (DDA). He described the homes as a symbol of the beneficiaries’ “new hopes and dreams.”
While interacting with residents, Modi reminisced about his time in hiding during the Emergency of 1975, saying, “Visiting Ashok Vihar today brings back memories of that period.” He also visited the Swabhiman Apartments, engaged with children, and encouraged them to work hard for a better future, envisioning India as a developed nation by 2047.
Residents expressed their gratitude for the new flats, which come with modern amenities like lifts and playgrounds. “Modiji has given us not just a roof over our heads, but also a brighter future for our children,” said one beneficiary.
Along with the flats, PM Modi also inaugurated several development projects, including urban redevelopment initiatives at Nauroji Nagar and Sarojini Nagar.
The World Trade Centre (WTC) at Nauroji Nagar, built on the site of 600 old quarters, now offers 34 lakh square feet of premium commercial space. The project incorporates eco-friendly features such as solar energy generation, rainwater harvesting, and a zero-discharge system.
The General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) Type-II Quarters at Sarojini Nagar consist of 28 towers housing over 2,500 modern residential units. Sustainable practices like rainwater harvesting, solar-powered waste compactors, and other eco-friendly measures are included in the design.
PM Modi also inaugurated the CBSE Integrated Office Complex in Dwarka, a Rs 300 crore eco-friendly project featuring state-of-the-art facilities, including an auditorium and advanced data systems.
Emphasizing the government’s commitment to education, the Prime Minister laid the foundation for three projects at Delhi University, totaling over Rs 600 crore. These include the Eastern Campus in Surajmal Vihar, the Western Campus in Dwarka, and the Veer Savarkar College in Roshanpura, Najafgarh, all designed with advanced educational facilities.
The Ashok Vihar flats were part of the DDA’s second in-situ rehabilitation project, aimed at providing slum residents with healthier living conditions. For every Rs 25 lakh spent on a flat, beneficiaries contribute only Rs 1.42 lakh, along with Rs 30,000 for five years of maintenance.
The Prime Minister also discussed the future of housing initiatives, assuring residents that every citizen would soon have a pucca house. “I could have built a Sheesh Mahal for myself, but homes for the people of this country are more important,” he said.