“Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra is set to take her oath as a Member of Parliament in the Lok Sabha on Thursday after winning the Wayanad seat. Additionally, Congress leader Ravindra Vasantrao Chavan will also be sworn in as an MP, representing the Nanded constituency, after securing 5,86,788 votes in a by-election.”
“Priyanka secured the Wayanad seat with a decisive margin of 4,10,931 votes, defeating Sathyan Mokeri of the Communist Party of India (CPI).”
“Wayanad, a Congress stronghold, witnessed a three-way contest featuring Priyanka Gandhi, BJP candidate Navya Haridas, and CPI’s Sathyan Mokeri.”
“Priyanka Gandhi expressed her gratitude and joy upon receiving her election certificate, describing it as a symbol of love, trust, and shared values.
In a post on X, she wrote, ‘Today, my colleagues from Wayanad brought me my election certificate. To me, this is more than just a document; it represents your love, trust, and our commitment to shared values. Thank you, Wayanad, for entrusting me to continue this journey toward building a better future for all of you.'”