The shooting for Sunny Deol’s Border 2 began on Tuesday. The Gadar star is once again set to portray an Indian Army soldier. The original Border, released in 1997, was a major hit, and now, after 29 years, the audience is eagerly awaiting its sequel. The film features Varun Dhawan, Diljit Dosanjh, and Ahan Shetty in lead roles, though there has been no update on the female leads.
The stars to appear in the film:
Directed by Anurag Singh, Border 2 will feature Sunny Deol in the lead role. New faces such as Varun Dhawan, Diljit Dosanjh, and Ahan Shetty will also be part of the film. During today’s shooting, the film’s team shared a picture from the set, showing a hand holding a clapboard.
Action in Border 2 is set to be a major highlight:
Renowned Hollywood action choreographer Nick Powell, known for his work on films like The Bourne Identity, The Mummy (1999), and RRR (2022), will be designing the war action sequences for Border 2. Sunny Deol has also emphasized that the action in the film will be top-notch.
When will Border 2 be released?
Audiences can expect thrilling action, captivating drama, and emotional depth in Border 2, which is set against the backdrop of patriotism and bravery. Produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishna Kumar, JP Dutta, and Nidhi Dutta, the film will be released on Republic Day, 2026, as confirmed by the makers in their recent social media posts.